2MarinaStefanovaMarina Stefanova

Marina Stefanova, is from Targovishte. ShemajoredinFolkSinging and Teaching at the MusicandArtsAcademyinPlovdiv and holds a Master’s Degree in Business Communications and Public Relations from the Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski.

Q.: How long have you been involved with music?

A.: Since the far away 1994.

Q.: From which geographical area is the costume you wear on stage?

A.: It’s from Northern Bulgaria.


Q.: Who is your favorite performer?

A.:-Anyone singing from the heart. 

Q.: What is the Cosmic Voices from Bulgaria Choir for you?

A.: The choir is a dream fulfilled, an honor, pleasure and responsibility.

Q.: Your favorite Bulgarian proverb?

A.: Better work for nothing, than stay idle.

Q.: What is music to you? –

A.: it is a part of my self.

Q.: What inspires you?

A.:  The belief in good.

Q.: What are the moments that take your breath away?

A.: The moments which stay in the heart and cannot be expressed with words.

Q.: The best thing is……?

A.:-Good health.

Q.: What do you dream of?

A.: Of a better and happier world.